Wednesday, September 1, 2010

How Much I Value Myself

          With the things and people that surround me, I do value myself very much. Without them, I might not be able to appreciate the life that God has given me. There were times that I wish that I would want to end my life but because of the people who made me feel special and loved, I still want to continue being with them.

        If I would rate myself as to how much I think is my value, I would say that my value is zero for I see other people more important than myself. On the contrary, I would also say that zero is a great number for every time a number is being divided to zero, it always result as zero and the same thing goes for multiplying a non-zero number to zero. But when one tries to divide a number by zero, it becomes undefined which is what I see as something that would make me an essential part of a person’s life. I would make them seem so indefinite of what they supposed to mean that they have to look and search for it until the end of time. 

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