Cause-and-Effect Essay: Effect of Your Wastes

          Do you throw your trashes everywhere? Do you tend to throw everything you think are wastes and not consider to reuse them for the future needs? If you do, then you are causing land pollution. Land pollution is characterized by the contamination of the surface of the Earth (“Causes and Effects of Land Pollution”, n.d.). It is a result of human activities such as littering, poor agriculture practices and mining (Scheid, n.d.). This paper aims to look further into the harmful effects of land pollution on humans, wildlife and surroundings.

          The first and foremost that will be affected by land pollution is the human beings. Land pollution could bring diseases to humans which could be fatal to their lives. People diagnosed with skin problems like allergies are often caused by the improper disposal of every waste starting from the household trashes (“Causes and Effects of Land Pollution”, n.d.). Pollutants may remain in the soil that could be toxic to the humans which would cause cancer and deformities. If a pregnant woman encountered toxic chemicals, it could bring birth defects upon the baby (Scheid, n.d.). Also, inhaling polluted dust particles could affect the respiratory system of the human body (“Harmfull Effects of Land Pollution”, n.d.).

          Wildlife is the second one that will be affected by land pollution. The destruction of some trees such as Flora which provides food and shelter to animals is one serious effect on wildlife. Using of pesticides could damage crops and vegetation. It could also poison other animals that are not intended to be harmed. In this sense, it could as well affect human beings again since plants and animals are their source of oxygen and food (Scheid, n.d.).

          Lastly, the surroundings will be affected as well by land pollution. With trashes blocking the holes of the canals or filling in the canals, it could bring flash floods to the surroundings because it would be difficult for the water to pass through the holes. It would also take some time before they evaporate. With the flood present, traffic is bound to happen, hindering them to have a safe trip.

          With trashes everywhere, humans are not the only ones affected but the wildlife and the surroundings as well. To avoid these harmful effects, people should properly dispose their garbage. They should also avoid over packaged items or use eco-bags to lessen the amount of wastes to be thrown away. They could also reuse packages of their things such as gift wrappers and plastic bags. Farmers should be encouraged to do organic farming so that less damage and more nutrients are obtained by the crops. With these much said, people should always start from their homes by designating containers for each type of wastes such that it would be easy to determine which could be recycled and not. When they start at home, they would tend to continue at their community and then, the whole country as well. It just means that every action counts whether it may be small or big it would still help in saving the environment (“What Can You Do About Land Pollution”, n.d.).

Reference List
Causes and Effects of Land Pollution. (n.d.). Retrieved August 5, 2010 

Effects of Land Pollution. (n.d.). Retrieved August 5, 2010 from 

Scheid, J. (n.d.). Land Pollution. Retrieved August 5, 2010 from  

What Can You Do About Land Pollution?. (n.d.). Retrieved August 5, 
          2010 from

This may be what I can call a simple essay since my topic is what I usually find in an essay portion of a test. It may be simple but I know that I put all my knowledge regarding the topic since it has been the talk of the town for quite some time already. I am really satisfied with it; it is something I could easily relate to because I see it on a daily basis. If I were given the chance, I might as well give more examples of its effects so that the reader would be alarmed of what is bound to happen should the land pollution continue on.