Argumentative Essay: Murder or Kill?

          Kidnapping, witchcraft, Sabbath-breaking, idolatry, premarital sex, adultery, rape, incest and false prophecy are some crimes considered by God and at time, by the law as well. Murder is a big crime for a person to take the life of another one, wherein God has the only right to take it away since He is the one who has given it. Justice systems give the proper consequence for different crimes being committed. Capital punishment is the death penalty to people who have committed murders. It is usually done through hanging, shooting, electrocution, or giving lethal injections (Kartha, n.d.). However, it is being opposed by some for they believe that it is too cruel, inhumane and barbaric (Moyer, n.d.). Although there are other humane punishments so to speak by others such as life imprisonment for the criminals to pay for their crimes and to give them a chance to repent and change their ways, death penalty should be used as a form of punishment because it is not morally wrong as some people think; many see it as justice being served; and the prisoner could no longer escape wherein it makes people feel secured.

          Killing someone is not always morally wrong as oppose to what people usually think which it is being immoral. Christians would see it as a violation to one of God’s commandments which is “You shall not kill”. Killing is a broader term for murdering. Murder is the better term that actually violates the commandment. God does not consider killing as the same thing as murdering. He even stated many crimes for which capital punishment should be exacted (Moyer, n.d.). God just sees killing as something that is not immoral if it is done as a punishment to those who have intentionally murdered a person. With these being said, death penalty is not prohibited by God as long as it is used to serve justice.

          Giving the right punishment for the depth of his crime is what people see as justice being served. The same thing applies to most of the circumstances; like when writing the best essay one could have written, he would surely be given the proper credit for the efforts he has given to make the essay. Justice system’s most fundamental principle is to give a punishment that would fit the crime committed (Messerli, 2009). If the person murdered another human being, it would be just to the one murdered as well to the family that the same thing should happen to the murderer. People strongly believe that a person who has taken another one’s life is no longer worthy to live (Kartha, n.d.). Paying the same price of how deep his actions were is said to be what is just and right.

          If the criminal is simply sentenced to life imprisonment, there are possibilities for him to escape from prison. Once he breaks out of jail, he might return to the victim’s family and to those who have attested against him. The lives of the people who just wanted justice would be in danger. They would never have the assurance of being secured from being harmed by the offender. With capital punishment as a consequence to the offender’s actions, a lot of innocent people would feel more secured with them knowing that there would be no one to come back and harm them (Messerli, 2009).

          There are various punishments for criminals who have committed different crimes. Still, capital punishment is a rightful consequence for the actions done by the murderer for it gives justice and assurance of security, and it is not prohibited by God. This punishment is only applicable to those who have taken away another person’s life intentionally. It is only done to serve justice for those who were harmed and affected by the crime as well as to those who are possible victims.

Reference List
Kartha, D. (n.d.). 10 Pros and Cons of Capital Punishments. Retrieved 
          August 19, 2010 from

Meserli, J. (2009). Should the death penalty be banned as a form of 
          punishment? Retrieved August 19, 2010 from 

Moyer, D. (n.d.). Capital Punishment in Biblical Perspective. Retrieved August 19, 2010 from 

          The idea of choosing capital punishment as my topic started from the argument in our debate. The subject immediately captured my interest. Sadly enough, I was not able to voice out my insights in the said debate. So now, I decided to write an essay about it. I am completely satisfied because I know that what I had wanted to say during the debate is given substance through this essay. If some would point out a lack in my work, I would most likely elaborate on all the reasons of why capital punishment should be pushed through.